We all know that we will have to buy a number of gifts over the course of the year, it’s almost a normal and accepted part of people’s lives. At some point in the year, most people will buy someone else, or even themselves a gift. Some spontaneity is useful and can really work to keep your gift buying on point. However, if you really want to make the right choice and save time and money on gift buying then planning and purchasing in advance is the only way to go.
Holidays and Birthdays
There may be instances where you need to buy a gift in a hurry, but for most of us, there are certain dates we know will come round at the same time every year. These are the kinds of gift giving that can be planned ahead so you can take advantage of good deals that you will likely miss if you buy in a hurry.
You may think that it is too soon to start planning for Christmas, but the summer months are a great time to get good deals on winter favorites that you can share as generous gifts for family and friends. Start thinking about what your loved ones might need or want and use the time in the lead up to the holidays to find these gifts at bargain prices. Americans spend billions of dollars each year for gifts during the holiday season, which encompasses Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.
Customize Your Gifts
We often have some great ideas about gifts for loved ones or friends but when they are customized this requires some time and planning ahead. With many of us reconsidering our need for material goods and thinking about our impact on the environment as a result of our consumerism, customizing gifts is an excellent way to show your loved one you care with something of personal value rather than material.
A great example of this is crystal photo gifts, which require some planning ahead but provide a personal touch and expression of love on any occasion. Using photographs to customize and personalize gifts for our family and friends does require planning but is also versatile. They can be used for birthdays, anniversaries, major holidays or just as a gift of gratitude. The rise of social media has also allowed us access to photographs and memories with our loved ones that we can use to create more memorable gifts that hold personal value rather than monetary value.
Track the Big Deal Days
If you plan really well, you can track the biggest savings trends throughout the year. Starting in January and throughout the year, there are certain days, holidays or seasons that herald sales and bargains across a range of different items. January, for example, is often when you see big department stores wanting to shift winter clothing and accessories. July is another big month for tracking sales as Amazon has its regular Prime Day and the Independence Day sales provide another opportunity to find bargain gifts that will wow your family and friends.
Essential to saving in gift giving is making sure your gifts are items that your family and friends will value or use. There is no sense in spending time to save money but then give gifts that are going to be binned. The first step in effective planning is knowing what you are giving and why.
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