As a parent, raising children with values is one of the most admirable things you can do. After all, you’re not only maintaining a peaceful household for yourself, but you’re shaping the world of tomorrow.
However, despite how important it is to instill values in the future generation, many parents miss the mark. They have children who fail to respect the police, they break the rules, and they ultimately end up taking more from society, than they do contribute to it.
However, by following the right tips and staying consistent with them, you can create respectful children that will mold a better tomorrow for everyone. Here are some of the most important tips for stealing values in your children.
Lead by Example
As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. You can’t force your children to be respectable human beings simply by telling them to do so. You have to show them by leading by example.
Be the type of person that you want them to be showing them the values you expect them to imitate. Be honest, be respectful, and follow the rules.
Children are sponges and will model whatever behavior you show them. So, if you’re someone who tends to bend the rules or you’re not always honest, then it’s no surprise that your children are failing to respect authority!
Be a Clear Communicator
Consistent communication is vital. If you hope for your children to understand not only that they should be respectful people, but why they need to be respectful, go over why the rules are set in place. Explain why them being good people would do a service to the world.
Make sure that they understand, and that they feel free to ask any questions. Create a space that allows honesty and openness, and you can’t go wrong.
If they miss the mark or fail to be the respectful person that you want them to be, allow them the space to make mistakes and explain to them why the behavior wasn’t acceptable. Let them tell their side of the story, and find a resolution through communication.
Model Empathy and Compassion
People who are truly good people and have strong values are the ones who are good citizens not only because it’s what they’ve been told to do, but because they know it’s the right thing to do.
They feel a great sense of compassion and empathy for others and know that being disrespectful or unkind would hurt others, which in turn, hurts them.
The more you can teach your children to feel other people’s frustration and pain, the more they’ll be willing to do the right thing faced with two choices.
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