Your bed is arguably the most important piece of furniture that you’ll ever buy. Because of the amount of time that you’ll spend sleeping and how important sleep is to your life and health, sleeping on a bed that’s good for your body and your rest is vital. However, many people will purchase a bed and then not think about when is the right time to replace it. So before you continue sleeping on a bed that’s no longer good for you, here are three signs that you need to replace your bed with a new bed.
You’ve Seen A Decline In Sleep Quality
Beds, like most products, wear out over time. And the more you’re using your bed, especially if it’s above normal wear and tear, the faster your bed will wear out.
One sign that this wear and tear has reached its pinnacle is if you notice a decline in your sleep. While variations in sleep are normal and can be attributed to many different factors, if you’re consistently not getting good sleep anymore, especially if you’re feeling worse after you’ve been sleeping than you do when you go to sleep, your bed could be the culprit.
Along with getting a quality bed to sleep on, the foundation of your bed is also important. So if you have a bed frame that’s been used for ages, you might want to consider replacing your bed frame as well so that your new mattress can be properly supported and properly support you.
You Have Weird Pain
Another sign that your mattress isn’t working for you anymore is if you start having weird pain in your body. Some added pain is natural as you age. But if you wake up with weird pain in weird places that gets better throughout the day, especially if you haven’t done anything in your daily life to hurt that part of your body, it could be because your body isn’t getting the support it needs while you’re asleep.
You’ve Been Using It For Over A Decade
The time that you’ve had your bed can also be an indicator that you might want to look into buying something new.
Over years of sleeping in your bed, the mattress is going to be weighed down by sweat and other natural fibers. These things can start to break down the material of the bed, causing it to become too soft like a sponge. And while you might like a soft bed, a bed that’s too soft is bad for the body. So if it’s been between six and eight years since you last bought your bed, it might be time to start planning for your next purchase.
To help you know when it’s time to get a new bed, consider using the tips mentioned above to determine if the time has come for you.
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