With spring and summer fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about how you and your family will deal with the transition of your kids being home for their summer break.
While this can be a fun time, it can also be a stressful time. So to help make things go as smoothly as possible, here are three tips for helping your kids transition from the school year to summer break.
Start Some New Routines
Children thrive on routine. During the school year, it’s easy to have certain routines in place which are centered around going to school and other activities. But when things get a little more flexible in the summer, it can sometimes be hard to find good routines and stick to them.
To help your kids stay used to their routines, it’s wise to keep some of your routines the same. This could include eating a nutritious breakfast in the morning, getting dressed, and brushing their teeth. You could also have certain activities that they do each day or each week, like completing their chores, doing reading, or going to a camp. And, to help your kids have better attitudes during the day and remain healthy, you should also help them to keep a consistent bedtime each night, too.
Keep Their Brains Going
There can be some learning loss that happens during the summer if you and your children aren’t committed to continuing on with their education during this time. Luckily, you don’t have to do much to ensure that they remain academically ready for the next school year.
If your child’s school or community center has summer learning or reading programs, try to get your kids involved with them. You could do things that help your child learn additional skills that might not be focused on during the school year, like learning how to cook or taking time to learn some other hobbies.
Set Up Playdates And Trips
Having something to look forward to during the summer can make the time go by quicker and smoother.
If you’re able to, try to plan some trips or fun activities for your family to do together now that your kids aren’t in school all day. This can be especially fun during the hot times of the summer if your home doesn’t have air conditioning, as you can get a break from the heat by doing things like going swimming or seeing a movie.
Along with things like this, you should also try to set up some playdates with your child’s school friends during the summer so they can maintain those relationships for when the school year starts again.
If you’re wanting your kids to have an easy transition from going to school to their summer break, consider using the tips mentioned above to achieve this.
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