If you have kids, you know how hard they can be on your home and belongings. And while you want to teach them how to be respectful of property, when they’re little, it can be hard to know what to teach them so that they’ll understand.
One area that you’ll want to be sure you teach them how to use properly is the plumbing in your home. Because if the wrong things gets flushed down the toilet or washed down the drain, you could wind up needing to call in an emergency plumber to help get things moving again. So to help you keep these calls to a minimum, here are three things to teach your kids about protecting the plumbing in your home.
Show Them How To Be Gentle With The Tap
One of the first things that you’ll want to teach your kids is how to be gentle with the tap when they’re turning the water on and off in your home. Even small children can learn how to wash their hands, so you can start with these lessons from a very young age.
As you teach your children, make sure you encourage them only to turn the water on with as much pressure as is necessary to get the job done, which usually isn’t turning it on full blast. This will help to ensure that they aren’t pulling on the tap too much and that they don’t accidentally fill up the sink too fast and get water flowing everywhere.
Teach Them What’s Safe To Flush
Once your kids start learning how to use a toilet instead of diapers, or once they discover what a toilet is, you’ll want to make sure you teach them what’s safe to flush down the toilet and what should never be flushed down the toilet.
As a good rule of thumb, only human waste and what’s used to clean up the job should be flushed down the toilet. This means that you should teach your kids not to flush things like feminine products, hair, bandages, cotton balls, and more.
Keep Certain Items Out Of The Sink
What you wash down the sink can also have an impact on how well your pipes are able to hold up over time. For this reason, you should help your kids learn what’s safe to put down the drain and what isn’t.
Water and other clear and thin liquids will be generally safe to have go down the drain in a sink or bathtub. But there are a lot of food items that you’ll want to make sure your kids put in the garbage can rather in the sink. Items like grease, oil, rice, paint, flour, eggshells, and other larger items should never be put in the sink to wash down the drain.
If you want your plumbing to never get clogged, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you teach your kids what should and shouldn’t be in your home’s pipes.
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