Being overweight give many people a catch 22 situation whereby they haven’t the energy or the strength to exercise, even though they know that it will help them in the long run. As anyone who has gotten fit before will know, once you do get those first few days out of the way, everything starts becoming a whole lot easier. I went through this myself and thanks to my friend and personal trainer Bharat Bhise, I was able to get started with exercise, in an easier and much more manageable way. Forget the gym for now, that will come later, here is how to go about getting started with exercise.
It sounds incredibly simple but the first step is just to start walking as much as you can. Instead of a taking the car 5 minutes down the road, get your shoes on and walk it. Whether you walk quickly or not isn’t important right now, the key is to get the body moving and the blood pumping. You may not feel the strain but just adding some more walking to your day will help your body to become more supple and flexible for when you do eventually hit the gym. Aim to walk 10,000 steps per day.
Taking Stairs
There are always options to take the stairs instead of a lift or an escalator and if you have that chance then avoid being lazy and take the stairs. Of course if you are heading up to the 42nd floor then it will not be advisable for you to take the stairs, if however you are heading up a couple of floors or a single floor then take the stairs and take your time, this is a great way to burn a few calories and to add some additional strength to your legs.
Playing Sport
Let’s be honest, for most of us, going to the gym is boring and something that we just don’t enjoy. This however is not the only way for you to get some exercise in and the best way to get started is by playing some sports. The reason why this is so much better than the gym is because you are kind of working out without even realizing it. If you are concerned that you don’t feel fit enough to play sports in a team or with others, you can simply grab a baseball and shoot some hoops at a local court, or kick a football off the wall, anything that increases your heart rate and gets you sweating a little bit is going to be highly beneficial for you.
These are very simple tips which will give you the perfect foundation to building up some strength and some flexibility for when you do eventually go to the gym. If you do these things first then by the time that you reach the gym, you will already have some experience in moving around and working up a sweat.
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